Why Are You Settling for Mediocrity?

Yesterday I was having a conversation with one of my clients and he told me that most people in town believe my training program is too hard, even impossible for the average person. I just sat there and smiled. When he asked me why I was grinning I explained… “They’re right.” He then asked me.…
America Needs An Attitude Adjustment

To say that most Americans are concerned about their weight is an understatement. Obsessed is more like it, and we spend more than $50 billion per year feeding that obsession. And for what? To achieve an impossible ideal of thinness and beauty that is virtually unattainable to the vast majority of people? Instead of being…
Looking In The Eyes of a Serial Killer

It amazes me how many people simply do not take care of themselves. They are systematically killing themselves. They make every excuse known to man, and believe me, I’ve heard most of them. The truth is that these people are just lazy! They think that it will take hard work and a lot of time. It’s easier…
Stop Making Excuses!
[headline_arial_small_left color=”#000000″]”The habit of excuses is the worst of all habits.”[/headline_arial_small_left] John C. Maxwell [headline_arial_extra_large_centered color=”#CC0000″]EXCUSES ARE FOR LOSERS![/headline_arial_extra_large_centered] [headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]GET OFF YOUR A$$ AND STOP MAKING EXCUSES… START GETTING RESULTS![/headline_arial_medium_centered] [headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]Are You Tired of Making Excuses?[/headline_arial_medium_centered]
Weight Training Is Like Sex…Everyone Thinks They Do It Right!
Two girls at the beach were admiring the passing scene, which included a bodybuilder who was strutting his best. “That’s my type,” said the first girl. “Well, I don’t know,” the other replied. “I have a friend who married a man that owns a two-car garage, but he just keeps a bicycle in it!” There’s a…
Steroids – The Dark Side of Bodybuilding
Steroids. They’ve been a topic of discussion in my life for over 25 years. Do I recommend them? Never! Have I worked with athletes who have used them and found at least short-term benefit? Absolutely! Have I helped people get “off the juice” by helping them better understand training and eating? Yes, and that feels…
“You’ll NEVER Have Great Shoulders Training Like THAT!” Proclaims Rick Streb
I find it peculiar the way shoulders are something of an afterthought for many bodybuilders. REMEMBER: I call anyone who walks through the door of a gym a bodybuilder… that includes you, ladies. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the muscles involved in shoulder pressing are so similar to…
CLANKS & BANGERS…The Ear-Piercing Sounds of the Gym!
Ahhhhh . . . . the sounds of a gym. Music blaring, people chattering, workout partners shouting at one another believing that the greater the decibel level the easier the rep, people grunting as they grind out one final rep before complete muscle failure, and of course, what would a “gym” be without the reverberation…
“What Are You Talking About?” asks Personal Trainer Rick Streb
As Published in Body Talk Magazine What has this world come to? Is the gym no longer sanctity where one can go to get away from the chaos of their hectic lives? And, heaven forbid, someone actually going there to WORK OUT! Every time I think that I’ve seen everything that there is to see…
Quit Wasting Your Time!
Okay… I need a little help. I need someone to explain something to me. Hear me out, please. Whether we are trying to lose unwanted body fat or gain additional muscle to our bodies, nutrition comprises 70-80 percent of the equation when it comes to reaching our fitness goals. Cardio training and resistance training make…