The Principles of Proper Nutrition

[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#003366″]The Secrets to Building Muscle, Losing Fat and Getting Fit Fast[/headline_arial_medium_centered] Nutrition is almost always THE neglected factor when someone isn’t making any progress with their fitness training. And why shouldn’t it be? It can be quite confusing. But understand that without a grasp of proper muscle building and/or fat burning nutrition, you won’t…

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My Unified Theory of Nutrition – Rick Streb

When people hear the term Unified Theory, some times called the Grand Unified Theory, or even “Theory of Everything,” they probably think of it in terms of physics, where a Unified Theory, or single theory capable of defining the nature of the interrelationships among nuclear, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces, would reconcile seemingly incompatible aspects of…

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Breakfast…The Most Important Meal?

Now more than ever there are more diets, theories, programs and pieces of exercise equipment bombarding us every day. However, America continues to grow fatter and fatter every year. Obesity is a major problem. There are numerous factors that play into gaining and losing weight such as activity level, cultural habits, genetics and so on.…

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10 Tips For Controlling The Way You Eat

Lately, I’ve been fielding a lot of questions and comments about how to control eating habits, cravings and the urge to eat unhealthy foods. On the one hand, it shows me that these people are making an effort to achieve their physique goals. However, on the other hand I am constantly being reminded of how…

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Frequently Asked Questions (Excuses) That Inevitably Lead To Weight-Loss Failure

Question: How can I be thin like the models in the magazines? Answer:Thin people are the exception, rather than the rule, despite what the magazines portray. Most images in magazines are “computer slimmed” – they really are not that skinny. The average American woman is a size 14, so your aim should be not to…

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Weapons For Mass Construction

Warning: This article is only geared towards those who want to pack solid muscle onto their frame. If you feel that your physique is flawless and you have no room for improvement, than stop reading this article because you’ll surely pick up some irrefutable tips for gaining solid mass. You surely don’t want to risk…

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Quit Wasting Your Time!

Okay… I need a little help. I need someone to explain something to me. Hear me out, please. Whether we are trying to lose unwanted body fat or gain additional muscle to our bodies, nutrition comprises 70-80 percent of the equation when it comes to reaching our fitness goals. Cardio training and resistance training make…

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The 5 Most Outrageous Weight-Loss Myths

These days you can’t go anywhere without hearing about a new weight-loss breakthrough. A pill, a cream, or a new fad diet – you name it and it’s going to solve all of your weight-loss problems in 30 days or less. Or not. The truth is that most of the things you hear about weight-loss…

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Dieting Alone Doesn’t Make The Cut – Neither Does DIET PILLS!

Have you tried losing weight by dieting alone? Frustrating isn’t it? Exercise is a vital part of the weight-loss formula and is proven to increase your metabolism all day long. Dieting alone could never do that. Losing weight by starvation diet is disaster to the central nervous system – DISASTER! The human body needs food…

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Fat Like A Turkey

It’s that time of year again – holiday season! Here’s something to look forward to: between Turkey day and the New Year the average person will gain between 7 and 10 pounds. The good news is that you can avoid these additional pounds with a little know how.

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