The Pipsqueak Posse (Classic Story)

Okay…I’m standing in the gym one day. It was a Friday. I know that because I had just finished with a grueling triceps and bicep workout. I look up in the mirror and see, what had to be eight of the skinniest, goofiest looking dudes come in. They all looked like a bunch of little…

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This is Deja Vu All Over Again…

I remember, years ago – we’re talking over three decades ago, and I was talking with my college soccer coach shortly after being selected for the NAIA National All-Tournament Team. He told me that I was so much bigger than the other atletes in the tournament and that maybe I should lose some muscle if…

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Pro Diets Welcomes NANBF…

I would like to announce Pro Diets’ new alliance with the North American Natural Bodybuilding Federation (NANBF), and welcome their 2,100-plus members to the Get Fit Newsletter. As an organization, NANBF’s goal is to provide an organization competitors can rely on to be run honestly and fairly – and of course to provide shows that…

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The 5 Most Outrageous Weight-Loss Myths

These days you can’t go anywhere without hearing about a new weight-loss breakthrough. A pill, a cream, or a new fad diet – you name it and it’s going to solve all of your weight-loss problems in 30 days or less. Or not. The truth is that most of the things you hear about weight-loss…

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My Problem With Ephedrine – Rick Streb

I’ve been asked lately about my last newsletter and my “attack” on ephedrine. After all, if you can buy it over the Internet it must be okay, right? Well, call it what you wish, but I feel I have good reason for my belief about its dangers.

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Discovered: The Fountain of Youth!

What if I told you that the Fountain of Youth had been discovered and that you could reap the benefits of its life-extending, body-enhancing powers today? You would probably think I had either lost my mind or that I was about to pitch a new line of supplements to you! But it’s true, the Fountain…

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Dieting Alone Doesn’t Make The Cut – Neither Does DIET PILLS!

Have you tried losing weight by dieting alone? Frustrating isn’t it? Exercise is a vital part of the weight-loss formula and is proven to increase your metabolism all day long. Dieting alone could never do that. Losing weight by starvation diet is disaster to the central nervous system – DISASTER! The human body needs food…

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Fat Like A Turkey

It’s that time of year again – holiday season! Here’s something to look forward to: between Turkey day and the New Year the average person will gain between 7 and 10 pounds. The good news is that you can avoid these additional pounds with a little know how.

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Too Old To Exercise?

So you’ve slacked off a bit and avoided exercise. Maybe your job demands too much of your time or you simply fell out of the routine. I have news for you. Whether you’ve taken off one year, ten years or haven’t exercised a day in your life – it’s never too late to start. You…

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The Truth About Walking

You know that exercise promotes better health. Your doctor tells you to get more exercise. The government puts out official exercise recommendations for you to follow. And I’m always ranting about the importance of regular exercise. So you go on a walk and then pat yourself on the back. Exercise accomplished – right? This begs…

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