Getting The Most Out Of The Extreme Fat Loss Formula (Tips, Tricks & Techniques)

Welcome to “The Extreme Fat Loss Formula!” I’m glad you’re here. Spend a few minutes going through this guide to learn a number of useful functions and concepts that will help you get the most out of your fat loss journey.

There are a couple of important points to keep in mind that can make or break your fat loss success.

[headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]** THIS IS NOT A RD-DESIGNED MEAL PLAN ** This meal plan is designed by, and utilizes, ONLY foods recommended by the top personal trainers, nutritionists, fat-loss and contest prep experts in the fitness industry for rapid fat loss.

IMPORTANT: The foods recommended within your Planned Meals of the Extreme Fat Loss Formula are carefully selected to produce the best results in the shortest period of time. Any deviation from the recommended foods such as using the exchange option, deleting of foods, or adding additional foods, will compromise the integrity of the meal plans and ultimately may impact the overall success of reaching your goals.

Have a great day and stay healthy![/headline_arial_small_centered]

[headline_arial_small_left color=”#003366″]First and foremost – Be honest with yourself![/headline_arial_small_left]The amount of calories and meals created within your meal plan is a direct result of how you answer the simple questions the Extreme Fat Loss Formula requires to create your blueprint. Answer the questions in each section of your profile honestly and conservatively.

Without question, the reason folks have struggled while using the Extreme Fat Loss Formula is directly linked to the aggressive nature of their answers.

In other words, people tend to think they are more active than they really are. This is a HUGE mistake that will result in failure.

Why? Because accurately calculating optimum number of meals and caloric intake is based on several factors including activity levels, i.e., profession and exercise intensity.

Answering the Profession Activity and Weekly Exercise Activities sections of the Extreme Fat Loss Formula too aggressively are the foremost culprits to lagging fat loss.

Over-estimating your activity levels can result in a daily caloric calculation that is anywhere from 500-1000 overstated. Since one pound of fat equals 3,500 calories, the consequences of exaggerating your activity levels can be disastrous to your fat loss success… to the tune of 1-2 pounds per week!

A pretty silly mistake, but one I see all the time.

Error on the side of conservatism.

Tip#1: For best weight loss results, do not add any Weekly Exercise activities. Selections will provide additional calories to the daily recommended total. Inaccurate estimations in activities may yield poor weight loss results.

Tip#2: I highly recommend selecting Sedentary as your professional activity level regardless of how active you believe you are. It is important when the program calculates your daily caloric needs to be conservative or the software will add additional calories to your daily recommended total.

Finally… When you have completed answering all of the questions accurately and conservatively, the Extreme Fat Loss Formula will generate you individually customized meal plan.

[headline_arial_small_left color=”#003366″]This will be your optimal meal plan for reaching YOUR goals in the shortest possible time frame![/headline_arial_small_left] You have the ability to customize each meal (add, change, delete foods, etc.), but the original meal plan generated for you will yield the best results based on your answers to all questions.

Another critical factor when people fail to realize optimal results lies with their decision to alter a proven system. It IS your choice, but the Extreme Fat Loss Formula will create your guaranteed blueprint for annihilating body fat.

REMEMBER: The Pro Diets Extreme Fat Loss Formula is equipped with a detailed help section and demonstration videos for each section of the software. At any time you can simply click on the “Show Me” link to watch the video for each section of your program.

Congratulations — you have successfully created your Extreme Fat Loss meal plan. All that’s left is for you to follow your customized blueprint and watch the fat start falling off your body!

Good luck! Let me know about your success story.

Dedicated to your success.

Rick Streb