Looking In The Eyes of a Serial Killer


It amazes me how many people simply do not take care of themselves.

They are systematically killing themselves.

They make every excuse known to man, and believe me, I’ve heard most of them.

The truth is that these people are just lazy!

They think that it will take hard work and a lot of time.

It’s easier for them to look and feel bad than to do something about it. How sad! If only they knew the truth.

About two weeks ago a woman came into the fitness center where I work. She was considering joining a health club. She told me that she needed to lose 40 pounds as soon as possible. I at down with her and listened to her story, explained how we would help her reach her goal in a realistic period of time, and explained her options. We had set a clear path to achieving her desires.

I made it childproof for her.

What she said next floored me.

“Well, I want to think about it.”


What in the world is there to think about?

She just told me she needed to lose 40 pounds and now she has to think about it?

Hello, lady!

It’s obvious that you have spent your entire adult life just thinking about getting in shape. If you walk out the door now it’s a safe bet you will never get started, and in about six months you’ll be at least another 10 pounds heavier! You will be worse than if you join now!

But she didn’t stop there.

“Exercising will kill me.”

Lord Jesus, help me!

Hey, Goodyear, you have been killing yourself by not exercising! Look in the mirror.

Does that look healthy? Absolutely not!

Just answer one more question for me…[headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]What color suit would you like me to wear to your funeral?[/headline_arial_small_centered]At least then you will reach your goal because dead people lose weight fast!

Ladies and gentlemen, exercise is not a luxury.

It’s a necessity!

One hour, three times a week is all it takes to start towards taking control of your health and quality of life. That’s less than two percent of the time you have available.

Do you really believe you can’t squeeze it in?

Quit making excuses.

The bottom line is there is no good excuse for not taking care of yourself.

Excuses are for losers!

You don’t hear healthy people making excuses, do you? No!

They don’t have to. They are healthy!

Besides, maybe your children or grandchildren would like to enjoy your company in the future. If you don’t care enough about yourself, maybe you could think about them. Or would you rather be lazy and selfish?


You don’t know how to get started.

Well, first you have to pry your rear-end away from that couch and march yourself to the finest fitness facility in your area… somewhere where REAL people will help you get REAL results… somewhere where there is someone present to help you… you know, a professional staff.

See, the high quality fitness facilities are about people, not equipment.

No fitness equipment in the world will do you any good if there is no professional guidance to assist you.

No gym is worth the money you pay if there is nobody around to teach you.

When you settle for less, you usually get even less than what you settle for!

Cheap is not better when it comes to your health.

Don’t kid yourself into thinking otherwise.

Answer this question: If your health is in jeopardy and you need to see a doctor, would you go to an intern or the specialist?

The specialist, of course.

Well, aren’t we talking about your health right now?

Then why would you consider anything less than the best service and assistance available to you?

RIPSo what if you have to drive a few miles to get there.

Professionals will help you take the first step towards living life, not just enduring it.

Put the Twinkies and ice cream down.

Get in your car and go there soon.

If not, please let me know what color suit to wear to your funeral.

Don’t know of a quality fitness facility in your area? Hit me with an email or comment below and I’ll see what I can do to hook you up.

