Okay… I need a little help. I need someone to explain something to me.
Hear me out, please.
Whether we are trying to lose unwanted body fat or gain additional muscle to our bodies, nutrition comprises 70-80 percent of the equation when it comes to reaching our fitness goals. Cardio training and resistance training make up only the remaining 20-30 percent. This is an irrefutable fact! There is no questioning this. It has been documented and confirmed time and time again. Anyone who has walked into a health club, or read a fitness magazine has heard this concept.
That being said, here is my question:
Why is it that 95%… no, make that 99%… of the people who frequent health clubs, while knowing the above fact, spend 100% of their efforts working out and 0% of their time on their nutrition?
I just don’t get it. Let’s see… let’s spend all of our time on the smallest part of the puzzle and completely disregard the single most important factor necessary to achieve our goal. I do not understand how otherwise intelligent people can ignore such a basic tenant and expect to see results. Do they take the longest, most difficult route when it comes to their jobs? Hell no! They do what they can to get the fastest and best results. They take the path that yields the highest rewards. Why? Because in the long run, it makes their job easier. What makes it different when it comes to achieving your fitness goal? I’ll tell you what… NOTHING!
(Don’t worry. I have the solution below!)
Think about it for a minute… in every gym across America, you will find the guy who trains intensely, doing everything possible in the weight room to add muscle to his physique, to sculpt his idea of perfection… yet, he still has a huge gut. Or you will see the woman who slaves for hours, doing seemingly endless cardio sessions, busting her ass to get ready for the upcoming swimsuit season… just to look in the mirror and see that her hips and backside are not getting any smaller. Why is that? I’m going to go out on a limb here.
Maybe… just maybe… their nutrition program is sub par. What a concept! It’s a safe bet that when they leave the gym all of their dedication, discipline and desire goes right out the door with them. Why then, would one waste their time to begin with? I really don’t understand this.
You still don’t think you fall into this category? Let me ask you a few questions.
Do you know exactly how many calories it takes on a daily basis to reach your specific goal? Not approximately… but exactly what it takes to get there. I’m not talking about some arbitrary number that someone threw out there.
Do you know… I mean really know… how many calories you are eating every day? I hear people every day talk about how they eat healthy, but when I ask them how many calories they ate the day before they look completely dumbfounded. It really doesn’t matter how well you are eating if you are still ingesting way too many calories.
So… if you don’t know how many calories per day you need to be eating, nor how many calories you are eating each day… how on God’s green earth do you ever expect to see any appreciable results?
Finally, why would you want to work so hard in the gym just to look exactly the same now as you did last year? It doesn’t matter what your goal is… losing 10 pounds of body fat or gaining 10 pounds of lean muscle… it all comes down to the amount of calories required to get you there. That’s the bottom line! So why bust your ass for nothing?
REMEMBER: Knowing the answers to those three questions make up 70-80% of your chances of being successful.This is not a guessing game. You cannot go about this haphazardly and expect to be triumphant.
It’s like going to a gun fight with a butter knife. You are completely unprepared… and the results will not go in your favor… unless, of course, the other guy is also a complete idiot and forgets to load his gun… but, come on, this is reality. And, yes, it is idiotic to work your ass off on a regular basis to get in shape… trying to lose body fat, or to gain more muscle, etc. and completely neglect the most single important ingredient for success.
If that last statement bruises a few egos… GOOD!!! The truth can hurt. Get over it. I’m just trying to help you get where you want to be.
I’m not telling you that you have to eat perfectly to achieve your goal. I’m not telling you that you cannot eat your favorite foods. In fact, you can choose foods that you enjoy and be successful if you are eating within the parameters required to meet your specific goal. Of course, you cannot load up on Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, potato chips, candies and Krispy Kremes and expect to look good. If you put junk in your body you will take on the appearance of junk. I have seen it a thousand times. But what I am saying is that every meal should include a proper balance of essential nutrients.
See… once you know the answers to the above questions you become empowered… you are in complete control of your situation. You are in a position to choose meals according to your likes and still excel. What more can you ask for?
(Are you ready for the answer? Read the next paragraph!)
Okay… I can hear you now. “Well, that’s great Rick, but where do I go to find the answers to those questions? How can I do this without spending a fortune on a nutritionist and personal trainer?” I’ll tell you where to go… CLICK HERE… that’s where! Check out my online nutrition program… watch the demo… take advantage of the program. It arms you with the knowledge, the power, and the ability to thrive. And it’s child-proof. In fact, my eight-year old daughter prepared all of my meals for tomorrow using the program. It took her a total of 15 minutes once she learned how to use the program. If an eight-year old can do it… you can do it! You will know exactly how many calories you need to eat, you will know exactly how many calories you are eating, you will be able to quickly plan your daily meals, and you will be able to include your favorite foods! You will be in total control!
When you choose to take control of your nutrition you will notice a new joy weaving its way into your life. Your workouts will seem more productive, your body fat percentage will drop regularly and the mirror will bring a smile to your face.
Well… now I’ve got some really bad news for a lot of you… actually, most of you. Now there is absolutely no good reason for anyone to not reach their fitness goals. NONE!!! No more excuses! When you know these answers you have the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT necessary to reach your goal. If you are truly serious about reaching your goal… not just providing lip service about your intentions… then this program is a no-brainer.
It could be argued that we are in the middle of a fitness revolution (isn’t there a gym on almost every street corner?), yet despite documentaries such as “Supersize Me” and my own personal attacks against the bad eating habits of the western world, we are very much entrenched in a junk-food culture. Medical experts agree that high-calorie, low-nutrition foods contribute to obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol and many other ailments.
Today, I am asking you to evaluate your current eating habits, increase your confidence and change your health, vigor and physical appearance by taking this advice to heart. You’ll reach a place of your dreams if you do.
Yes… we really are what we eat.
Choose wisely… you only have one body.
CLICK HERE and I’ll show you how you can get the results!