Why Are You Settling for Mediocrity?

mediocrity takes less time

Yesterday I was having a conversation with one of my clients and he told me that most people in town believe my training program is too hard, even impossible for the average person.Pro Diets Online Nutrition Program

I just sat there and smiled.

When he asked me why I was grinning I explained…

“They’re right.”

He then asked me. “Well if you make it impossible for everyone, how do you expect to get new clients?’

My response was this…

“Well, you’re doing it, right?”

“And you see 60, 70, and 80 year old women doing it, right?”

Pro Diets Online Nutrition Program“Then my program isn’t impossible or even too difficult for exceptional people.”

“What’s impossible to the “average person” is a common day occurrence to you.”

“But yes, it is too hard for ‘average people.”

He was both floored by my answer and pleased at the same time.


Average people settle for mediocrity, which seems to be the new standard of living for the world today.

In my world mediocrity equals average… Settling for less.

That’s fine if you like following the herd, but when you follow the herd you usually have to walk through a lot of crap!

When you settle for less, you usually get less than what you settled for.

Sadly, far too many people these days accept mediocrity.

Most feel that “good enough” is good enough.

Pro Diets Online Nutrition ProgramI don’t know, maybe I’m just competitive. Mediocrity has become today’s standard of living.

Or maybe I have higher expectations of myself and the folks I work with, but I do believe that it pays to be a winner.

And truth be told… I’m not interested in training average people, because average people will make every excuse under the sun as to why they can’t do something.

Average people are constrained by their self-limiting mindset.

Average people want and dream of transforming their bodies and their lives, but when push comes to shove… When it’s time to shit or get off the pot… Average people get off the pot.

When it gets difficult, average people resort to doing what they want to do instead of doing what’s necessary.

Average people turn ordinary into difficult, and difficult into impossible.

Average people are blind to the truth… Exceptional people embrace it.

Average is for the masses… Exceptional is for few.

Pro Diets Online Nutrition ProgramAverage people can go down the street to the fitness facilities that will take anyone that has a pulse and a checkbook. There’s several to choose from.

I’m not content to work with people interested in reaching their goals. I want people that are genuinely COMMITTED to achieving their goals.

Average people are interested in getting in shape. Exceptional people are committed to the cause.

Do you really think it’s an accident my program keeps pumping out dramatic transformations while you never see any from other local fitness programs?

It’s not an accident.

It’s by design.

If you’re not committed to getting RESULTS, then I’m not the trainer for you.

My clients are exceptional people.

Pro Diets Nutrition ProgramExceptional people get exceptional results.

Changing lives isn’t about half measures, or feeble efforts.

It’s about commitment.

It’s about change. And the willingness to change.

I work with people who want to change their lives… Not people just looking for a work out.

My clients do what’s necessary to achieve greatness… Average people find ways to sabotage themselves.

My clients focus on what they have to gain… Average people focus on what they have to give up.

It all starts in your head.

It’s all about attitude.

It’s a person’s attitude that pushes them forward or holds them back.Pro Diets Online Nutrition Program

Your attitude determines your altitude!

Attitude determines the winners from the losers.

You can be a winner.

You can have your dream body.

You can have better relationships.

You can make more money…

If you have the right attitude.

It is your responsibility to change your attitude if it’s not as positive or as powerful as it needs to be.

No one “gave” you your attitude, and no one can “take” it away — except you.

It’s your responsibility.Pro Diets Nutrition Program

I’m sure you want to be a “winner.” You don’t want to be a “loser.”

And the difference between the two is huge.

The winner is always a part of the answer.
The loser is always a part of the problem.
The winner always has a program.
The loser always has an excuse.
The winner says, “Let me help you.”
The loser says, “That’s not my job.”
The winner sees an answer for every problem.
The loser sees a problem in every answer.
The winner sees a green near every sand trap.
The loser sees a sand trap near every green.
The winner says, “It may be difficult, but it’s possible.”
The loser says, “It may be possible, but it’s too difficult.”

More often than not, your attitude is the number one determining factor in your success.

With the right attitude, you’re almost certain to achieve your goals.Ashley Landis

And the good news is your attitude is self-chosen.

You… and only you… control whether or not you will be a winner in life, regardless of your natural ability.

Start by doing what’s necessary…

Then do what’s possible…

And suddenly you are doing the impossible.

Don’t confuse difficult with impossible.

And if you’re ready to be exceptional, feel free to give me a call. I GUARANTEE you will achieve things that you’ve always thought were impossible…

Just like the rest of my clients.

Keep life sexy.


(573) 302-8400




