People have been telling me for the last week that my previous post (Excuses Are For Losers, February 15, 2009) offended them and that they took some of my comments personally.
Want to know my response to them?
They need to take it personally.
They need to be offended.
But what is it that offended them?
Was it what I said? Yes and no.
What I said offended them because what I said was true!
They took it personal because it described them precisely!
They weren’t offended by me, but by my words that drove home the truth about themselves.
This is not something I need to apologize for.
Nor will I.
If my words offend you about your health, or lack of health, then let the truth convict you.
Maybe you will finally get your over-sized backside in gear and do something about it.
Maybe you will finally realize that there is no one else to blame but yourself.
Maybe you will quit making age or ailments or any other excuse for your dismal health and take the initiative to do something about it.
I hope so, because if you do something positive about it then I succeeded.
I managed to make you realize that you are the only one responsible for your own health.
The big question is what are you going to do about it?
Don’t blame me.
Don’t blame your children.
Don’t blame your spouse.
Blame yourself!
Then pull the tonnage off the sofa and get yourself started.
Go to the best fitness center in the area, hire a personal trainer that can help you get REAL results and take control of your life. (If you live in Osage Beach, MO CLICK HEREright now!)
Take responsibility for yourself.
I guarantee that if you can follow simple instructions and dedicate as little as three hours a week to yourself, you will succeed in improving your health and appearance.
You see, it’s easy to blame someone else for your own failures.
By doing so, you don’t have to take responsibility for yourself.
You don’t have to admit that it is your fault that you use a zip code instead of a scale to measure your size.
If the mirror cringes when you stand in front of it, then that’s your fault!
Quit trying to justify your girth.
The only one you are fooling is yourself.
That is offensive!
That is something that I take personally because you must think I am slow!
Maybe I am, but not that slow!
I take that personal!
I do so because I am a product of my beliefs and I know that fitness works.
I know that anyone can improve their health and maintain a higher quality of life.
I know that you can do it because I did it.
I also know that if you let me I will take your health and fitness personal, as well.
But don’t expect me to pull punches.
I’m not good at that, and it would be as transparent as you blaming your depressing shape and health on someone else.
Rick Streb