Brad is a 26 year-old bodybuilder that lives in Blue Springs, MO.
He is not a fictitious character.
He is a real person.
Brad has been exercising for about twelve years now. Brad isn’t a large man by any means. He weighs about 165 pounds. If you met Brad you wouldn’t think anything special is standing in front of you. He is a very kind, unassuming individual. But Brad is a special as it gets.
Brad has the heart of a lion and a will to live that is rare and exceptional.
Brad is what I want to be.
Brad loves life and is doing what is necessary to live.
Brad has cystic fibrosis. That’s right, cystic fibrosis!
The deadly disease that kills most people inflicted by it before their sixteenth birthday.
The ailment that systematically eats away at any active tissue fiber in the body.
The syndrome that literally rots away the lungs, muscle and immune system of anyone inflicted by it.
Brad’s lung capacity is one-third that of yours and mine. Yet, Brad has lived almost twice as long as doctors and medical experts expect.
Have you figured out why Brad has bucked the odds?
Has the light bulb come on yet? Isn’t it obvious?
It’s right there in front of your nose.
I gave you a hint in the very first sentence of this post…
Brad exercises!
Brad realized at an important time in his life that exercising could prolong his life.
When the doctors told him that he had only about two years to live, Brad said “Wrong!”
And because Brad did so, he is enjoying life well past everyone’s imagination.
Brad decided that he would not just endure life, but he would live life!
And that is exactly what he does.
Now, take a look at yourself.
Do you refuse to do something about your dismal physical existence?
Are you really that lazy?
Excuses are for losers!
You have no valid excuse for not taking control of your own health.
In any contest or sporting event, you don’t hear the winner making excuses for winning, now do you? No! It’s always the losers!
And the people who look and feel healthy aren’t the ones you find justifying themselves. It’s always the ones who feel and look terrible! They are the ones who are always trying to justify themselves with pathetic excuses.
See the correlation here?
Losers make excuses for their failures!
Winners take control of a situation and excel.
Brad is a winner. Twelve years ago he was written off for dead. Yet, today he lives a healthier, a happier life than most people. I salute Brad. He’s the type of person I want to be like.
What about you?
Are you a winner or a loser?
Do you want to live life, or simply endure it?
The choice is yours to make.
Live or die.
Is there really a choice?
Do you really have to think about it?
If so, that’s too bad.
Rick Streb