Dieting Alone Doesn’t Make The Cut – Neither Does DIET PILLS!

Have you tried losing weight by dieting alone? Frustrating isn’t it? Exercise is a vital part of the weight-loss formula and is proven to increase your metabolism all day long. Dieting alone could never do that.

Losing weight by starvation diet is disaster to the central nervous system – DISASTER! The human body needs food for everyday functions and regulation of vital hormones – whether you’re a woman or man. Severely restricting calories goes against EVERYTHING the body needs to lose weight safely and effectively.

Now add in the diet pills – specifically ephedrine. Most people are not capable of simply using them – THEY ABUSE THEM – taking up to 6-8 of the things on a daily basis. That is 150-200 mg, or 1500%-2000% more than the recommended dosage (10mg) of a product that is the equivalent to powdered adrenaline!

By the way… the key ingredient in methamphetamine is – EPHEDRINE! The ONLY difference between ephedrine and methamphetamine is one molecule! Methamphetamine is the most addictive drug in the world and ephedrine can be equally as addictive. The average dosage of ephedrine needed to produce one “hit” of methamphetamine? Only 5 mg! The average dosage in one tablet of pure ephedrine sold on the Internet? 25 mg!

AGAINdisaster to the central nervous system. But this time the risk involved can carry far greater consequences:

  • decreased appetite (the ONLY side effect one is looking for with these products)
  • restlessness, nervousness
  • dizziness
  • insomnia
  • tremors
  • alternations in blood pressure or heart rate
  • headaches
  • gastrointestinal distress, irritation of the stomach
  • kidney stones
  • chest pain
  • myocardial infarction
  • hepatitis
  • anxiety
  • inability to make rational decisions
  • extreme depression
  • psychosis
  • seizures
  • stroke
  • irregular or rapid heart beats, heart damage
  • heart attack
  • DEATH!

Data according to the FDA analysis showed during 2007 there were:

  • 3308 adverse events for all dietary supplements, 2580 of these (78%) for the ephedra alkaloids
  • 237 reports of death, 194 deaths (82%) associated with ephedra alkaloids
  • 78 reports of myocardial infarction/heart attack, 66 reports (84%) associated with ephedra alkaloids
  • 138 reports of cardiac arrhythmias, 115 (83%) associated with ephedra alkaloids
  • 244 reports of hypertension, 215 (88%) associated with ephedrine alkaloids
  • 138 reports of stroke, 112 (81%) associated with ephedra alkaloids
  • 181 reports of seizure, 140 (77%) associated with ephedra alkaloids

The risk of side effects and adverse effects appears to be greater in people with preexisting conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure; heart rate disorders; thyroid disease; anxiety; kidney disease or kidney stones; a history of mental illness or depression. People with these health conditions should avoid ephedrine completely.

Recent studies have demonstrated that abuse of ephedrine-based products can reduce the life expectancy in men up to 25% and for women over 30%.

Bottom Line: Combining the two factors above – restricted calories and a “magic pill” is a recipe for disaster and will NEVER let you achieve the body you are striving for. Sure, you will lose weight and people will notice that, but the long-term effects you are placing on your body IS NOT worth the risk of losing a few pounds. Do it right, PLEASE.

If you know anyone who is abusing these “cardio in a bottle” life-zappers, let them know you care about them, are concerned for their health and do whatever it takes to intervene. You might just save their life.

Rick Streb