Quit Wasting Your Time!

Okay… I need a little help. I need someone to explain something to me. Hear me out, please. Whether we are trying to lose unwanted body fat or gain additional muscle to our bodies, nutrition comprises 70-80 percent of the equation when it comes to reaching our fitness goals. Cardio training and resistance training make…

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The 5 Most Outrageous Weight-Loss Myths

These days you can’t go anywhere without hearing about a new weight-loss breakthrough. A pill, a cream, or a new fad diet – you name it and it’s going to solve all of your weight-loss problems in 30 days or less. Or not. The truth is that most of the things you hear about weight-loss…

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Dieting Alone Doesn’t Make The Cut – Neither Does DIET PILLS!

Have you tried losing weight by dieting alone? Frustrating isn’t it? Exercise is a vital part of the weight-loss formula and is proven to increase your metabolism all day long. Dieting alone could never do that. Losing weight by starvation diet is disaster to the central nervous system – DISASTER! The human body needs food…

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Fat Like A Turkey

It’s that time of year again – holiday season! Here’s something to look forward to: between Turkey day and the New Year the average person will gain between 7 and 10 pounds. The good news is that you can avoid these additional pounds with a little know how.

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The Incredible Shrinking Waist

Summer has arrived – a time for shorts, tank tops and…the dreaded bathing suit! So how would you like to shrink your waist this summer? How would you like to look and feel phenomenal? I want to let you in on a little secret that you may not know: Summer is a great time to…

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The Importance of Water

Summer is here bringing with it a welcomed increase in temperature. While you enjoy a day out in the sun you may be struck with the desire for a glass of icy cold water. This thirsty reminder should not be taken lightly – as much as 75% of adults suffer from mild, chronic dehydration, a…

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Breakfast: Is It Really For Champions?

We have been told time and time again that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet nearly one-fifth of all adults choose to pass on the Wheaties. What is the big deal about breakfast? Can a solid breakfast really make or break your fitness goals? Read on as I answer your most…

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7 Easy Ways To Cutting 250 Calories

In a quest for weight loss, 250 calories doesn’t seem like a significant number, does it? Could this teeny number really help you drop pounds? Yes, it can. The truth is that dropping as little as 250 calories each day can result in almost 30 pounds shed over 12 short months. Think of it this…

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Assure Your Fitness Success In The New Year

It’s that time of year again – time for the infamous New Year’s Resolution. If you are like most people that I know then one of your top resolutions will be to get into better shape this year. Shaping up for the New Year is a phenomenal goal to have. Did you know that 80%…

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