Steroids – The Dark Side of Bodybuilding
Steroids. They’ve been a topic of discussion in my life for over 25 years. Do I recommend them? Never! Have I worked with athletes who have used them and found at least short-term benefit? Absolutely! Have I helped people get “off the juice” by helping them better understand training and eating? Yes, and that feels…
What To Eat After Cardio
Just what are you supposed to eat after a hard cardio session? While a lot of people know a high carbohydrate protein shake is the way to go after weight training, few really know the best things to consume after aerobics – a workout generally intended for fat burning. Of course, there are people out…
“You’ll NEVER Have Great Shoulders Training Like THAT!” Proclaims Rick Streb
I find it peculiar the way shoulders are something of an afterthought for many bodybuilders. REMEMBER: I call anyone who walks through the door of a gym a bodybuilder… that includes you, ladies. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the muscles involved in shoulder pressing are so similar to…
Are You Making These Common Mistakes In The Gym?
Avoid looking like a rookie and improve your results by following these corrective techniques.
The Importance of Discipline… Think On Paper
What’s the single most important factor in your success? Besides setting goals? According to the millionaire’s interviewed for Dr. Thomas Stanley’s “The Millionaire Mind,” the number one factor in their success, when ranked by very important and important is being disciplined. 57% said being disciplined was very important and another 38% ranked it as important.…
Shake That Ass… A Sure-Fire Way To Glutes of Steel!
The buns are getting loads of press lately. It seems a perky posterior is as high a priority for many women as a pair of equally perky breasts. Some women are going to great lengths to achieve a more voluminous back-side, including undergoing buttock implants, augmentation and fat injections – extreme procedures when trying to…
Training Myths and the Female Athlete
As a personal trainer, I have been approached many times by clients or other women in the gym asking me questions on the best ways to “tone up, lose cellulite, get a butt that ‘sticks out’, get a sexy stomach…” the list goes on. My answers are always the same. There is no magic pill…
Blasting Chest Development To New Levels
“Hi, Rick…come over here and meet my friends…” I thought I was dreaming. No, wait a minute. That’s putting it too mildly. It was one of those moments in my life when I was so blown away by what I was experiencing that I couldn’t seem to stammer out a word…
CLANKS & BANGERS…The Ear-Piercing Sounds of the Gym!
Ahhhhh . . . . the sounds of a gym. Music blaring, people chattering, workout partners shouting at one another believing that the greater the decibel level the easier the rep, people grunting as they grind out one final rep before complete muscle failure, and of course, what would a “gym” be without the reverberation…
Breakfast…The Most Important Meal?
Now more than ever there are more diets, theories, programs and pieces of exercise equipment bombarding us every day. However, America continues to grow fatter and fatter every year. Obesity is a major problem. There are numerous factors that play into gaining and losing weight such as activity level, cultural habits, genetics and so on.…