Today’s post is going to be short, sweet and to the point.
That said, it may be the most valuable piece of dietary advice that I could EVER give you.
You see, last night around 8:30 PM while watching The Princess Bride with Katy (my all-time favorite movie) my appetite started acting up and I began to have some pretty intense cravings.
A couple minutes later, I found myself in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge, cupboards, and pantry looking for something to satisfy my hunger (yes, I’m human and I deal with cravings, too).
After scoping out what was available, I ultimately ended up eating some KC Strip steak and big ole baked potato (if you missed my recommendations for late night eating, you can check out the last post I sent you).
Do you know what stopped me from downing a bowl of ice cream or reaching for a bag of potato chips last night?
Simple. These foods aren’t in my house.
Do you want to end your struggle with late night snacking (with the wrong foods) and increase your dietary adherence ten-fold? Then here it is, the best diet tip I could ever give you:
Keep your house free of anti-diet food.
Simply put, if it’s not available, it’s not a temptation.
What a concept, huh?
Do you find that having ‘off-limits’ foods lying around is screwing up your nutrition program?
Let me know your thoughts.