It’s that time of year again – time for the infamous New Year’s Resolution.
If you are like most people that I know then one of your top resolutions will be to get into better shape this year. Shaping up for the New Year is a phenomenal goal to have.
Did you know that 80% of New Year’s Resolutions are unsuccessful?That means that out of your 10 closest friends 8 will fail to meet their goal – I’m not too excited about those odds, are you? The good news is that you have what it takes to be one of that elite 20% who do meet their goal. How? Glad you asked – read on for 5 guidelines that will guarantee your 2007 fitness goals.
1. Write Your Resolution as a Contract – and Sign It
I know it sounds strangely official, but that is precisely the point. First take your resolution and write it out in very specific detail. Below your resolution make a To-Do List of activities that go hand-in-hand with accomplishing your goal. Now sign and date the contract.
Here is an example:
In the year 2009 I resolve to drop 25 pounds at a consistent rate of 2 pounds per month.
In order to meet my goal I will:
1. Walk 1 mile 3 times a week
2. Only eat 1 dessert item per week
3. Meet with my personal trainer 3 times a week
2. Visualize Your Success
This is the easiest step to take to make sure that you attain your goal, but it is also the most overlooked. The power of creative visualization is undeniable and has been proven time and time again by go-getters such as Michael Jordan, Einstein, Napoleon and Andrew Carnegie.
The way to use creative visualization to reach your goals is to let yourself visualize what it would be like to have already achieved this goal. Take a moment to let yourself feel the excitement. Your goal has been met and you are now 25 pounds lighter, you can see how amazing you look, you can feel new confidence building, you can even see the reactions of those that you love as they see the new you.
Remember what accomplishing your goal feels like – this experience will keep you motivated and will help pull you through the inevitable difficulties of making the changes you want.
3. Be Realistic In Your Goal
As you go about choosing your goal it is important that you find one that is realistic. Dropping 100 pounds in one year (though not impossible) is probably not the most realistic goal. Be careful not to aim too low either – losing 2 pounds in a year may be too easy – you should challenge yourself and expect substantial change within a practical realm.
The best way to set yourself up for failure is to make New Year’s Resolutions that are simply unattainable. Rather than setting yourself up for a fall, find goals that are realistically within your reach.
4. Tell Everyone You Know
I know what you are thinking – why tell everyone your goal when you may not ever meet it? Isn’t that just embarrassing? No – because you will meet your goal once you place this added motivation on your shoulders.
Friends and family members can be a treasure chest filled with support and encouragement. You may even find that someone close to you also shares a similar goal – and now you have a built in buddy for motivation.
If your family isn’t very supportive, take heart. You still have a good reason for telling them your goal – it’s a little thing called the guilt factor. Even if you aren’t being showered with support you will still feel a shade of embarrassment or guilt when your resolve begins to slip – but this only works if those around you are clued into your goals to begin with.
5. Meet with a Professional
The ultimate way to guarantee your fitness success in 2009 is to meet with a trained professional. Every pro in every industry has a coach. Top athletes have coaches that give them the edge. The most successful business people have wealth coaches who guide them to riches. Well, fitness is my specialty – and since you are serious about creating a healthy and fit physique – guarantee your results by teaming up with me, your fitness coach.
Together we will come up with a fitness plan that is uniquely yours, one that fits your lifestyle and brings you maximum results in minimum time – something that you will appreciate as your resolutions are checked off.
CLICK HERE and I’ll show you how you can get the results!